Posted by Leonard Steinberg on March 23rd, 2012

The recently proposed regulatory legistlation (The Corzine Rule) to be named after Mr. Corzine because his firm MF Global still cannot find where a few billion dollars went ‘missing’ made me think that maybe its time for us in the real estate industry to name some brokerage rules after brokers who have severely abused areas of our industry….Who would you name a rule after for the following abuses: please send us suggestions for:

THE _________ RULE:   for pocket listings.

THE _________RULE:  for consistently denying co-brokers access to their listings.

THE _________RULE: named after the broker who has the worst manners.

THE ________RULE:  named after the broker who showcases the worst photographs of their listings, or no photos.

THE________RULE:  for the broker who lies more about his accomplishments than any other.

THE _______RULE: for the marketing firm that spends more of its clients money than any other.

Any more suggestions?

I propose THE PINOCCHIO RULE:  for all the brokers who lie more than little Pinocchio. There are so many broker names that come to mind that we cannot attribute this rule to just one broker. Maybe for all lies told, the broker has to wear a nose attachment for a month, its length determined by the size of the lie?