Posted by Leonard Steinberg on April 24th, 2012

As Summer approaches, I am reminded how warmer weather can accentuate the lovely smells of New York. I noted earlier that dog owners don’t seem to care much that the trail of pee and poop schmeers they leave behind for all others to enjoy requires buildings to clean their sidewalks daily. I love dogs, I truly do, but I have to wonder why the majority of New Yorkers who do not own a dog have to not only pay to clean up after these dogs, but are also forced to inhale the smells that are worsened in the Summer months, let alone walk along sidewalks that are often shoe-killing, drippy seas of doggy pee and worse…

Supposedly there are roughly 1,5million dogs in New York City. And yes, many of them are truly adorable. Again:  I love dogs. I am not anti-dog. I just have to wonder why the majority of New Yorkers have to pay for the minority of dog owners? Is there someone who explain the logic behind this? There are wonderful dog parks. 80% of dogs in New York are not licensed (the Greek system?). The annual license fee is $ 8.50 for a spayed dog: does the city come and clean your sidewalk? I know they don’t so what exactly are they doing with that money? Surely there should be a doggy tax of sorts to pay for sidewalk clean-up?

New York fines those who do not pick up their doggy poop $ 250.00, a pretty stiff penalty. But how many get caught? Is punishment the only way to pay for what obviously must be a huge cost to the majority of New Yorkers? Don’t you sometimes wonder when you see those people walking their horse-sized-hounds what size of apartment that hound lives in: what does a dog of that size eat and drink, and where does all of that go if its not going into the sewer system? Many dog owners will argue that ‘they are just animals’…..but surely a new etiquette has to be established and enforced to deal with the volume?

I equate this abuse with smokers who inhale about 15% of the smoke they are creating: the rest of us have absolutely no choice in the matter, right? That smoker has chosen to smoke (thereby raising insurance premiums for all), blows smoke in the air or lets it smolder in their hand…..and you have to breath it in. Isn’t the same true for dogs excrements? In Switzerland dogs have to adhere to very specific standards regarding doggy behavior and cleanliness….and it makes the lives of all so much more enjoyable, including their owners who have to consider the well being of the rest of society. Let me not get started on doggy don’t WITHIN buildings……that’s a whole other story and it should not surprise people that there are some buildings that will not allow dogs at all. This is a true dis-service to those who actually take care of their pets properly and are respectful of neighbors: if you knew some of the horror stories you’d understand. (think stairwell’s used as bathrooms on a rainy day!)

I am not a sterile-freak at all, but I have to say, Summer reminds me how messed up this system is. I feel certain that if I were to pee at the doorstep of an elegant building or in front of a restaurant I’d be arrested (rightfully so)…..why are dogs and their owners held to such a very different standard?

Stay tuned for my take on the garbage situation in this city….