Posted by Leonard Steinberg on September 11th, 2012

Today as we remember those whose lives were lost on 9/11, and how everyone’s life was changed forever, certain lessons emerge:

1)    After 9/11, Manhattan real estate stopped. Most thought the market would go into a freefall. Three months later the market bounced back with a force and energy that confounded even the most optimistic optimists proving to us all how resilient the Manhattan real estate market is.

2)    The government was left the task of organizing the re-building of Ground Zero: 11 years later, they are still far from ready. Further proof that governments are inefficient time and money-wasters. Thats because they work with money that is not theirs, right? had they actually earned that money, I feel certain things would be very different.

3)    The cost of security after 9/11 has soared: visiting any Manhattan office building now is slowed by mostly inefficient security checkpoints at a prohibitive cost to building owners… expense passed on to all.

4)    AVENUES School opened its doors to-day on 9/11/2012. Thats just great in so many ways.

5)   The two presidential nominees Romney and Obama decided to stop all their negative campaign advertising to-day out of respect for 9/11:  I wonder why its OK to disrespect us all for the other 364 days of the year?