Posted by Leonard Steinberg on November 5th, 2012

Cracks in concrete are a common problem in New York, especially noticeablye on sidewalks that are mostly the responsibility of the buildings they front. With the vast temperature range in New York  from below freezing in Winter to over 100 degrees in Summer, cracked concrete can begin to disintegrate quite rapidly….ice is an enemy for sure. The expense of replacing sidewalks is huge. Now there is  a new technology that would allow concrete to heal itself. Scientists in The Netherlands have created a bio-concrete blend with built-in bacteria that can patch up small cracks and holes in cement. Activated by water, the bacteria would eat food provided in the concrete mixture to combine calcium with oxygen and carbon dioxide to form what is essentially limestone. Another example of how in technology lies the cure for many of the costruction problems we face.

This technology could be especially desirable for those that love concrete floors in apartments, but hate the cracks that are automatically associated with them…..