Posted by Leonard Steinberg on March 18th, 2013

SE2 LABS think that high-end custom Audio Visual installations are getting much too complicated: we agree! Who wants that huge ‘brain/rack’ of components in a closet when closet space is needed. If you go it alone you’ve got a bewildering array of choices when it comes to amplifiers, video processors, projectors, sound sources etc and that’s before you’ve tried to make them all talk to each other.

So they’ve done the hard work for you. Take a large box that wouldn’t be out of place in a high-tech computer room. Fill it full of best-of-breed technology (Bryston amplifiers, high def TiVo etc). Make a customised interface to control it all and Voila, you get “The One”.

The full list of toys is too long to repeat and includes mechanical as well as electronic devices. Think power conditioners, cable management, anti-vibration systems, your choice of game console, media center PC… the list is endless.

It looks great, it costs $24K and it has a space for you to plug in your iPod. Simplicity is the new fashion in technology.