Posted by Leonard Steinberg on October 22nd, 2013

I just returned from Atlantic City after a 20-hour visit for a Douglas Elliman conference where Kevin Spacey thrilled the audience with a speech about his re-invention that was truly inspiring…, witty, informative, clever! Equally inspiring was escaping the confines of the BORGATA: I recall walking miles through rows  and rows of slot machines and gambling arenas, past rows of surprisingly elegantly appointed eateries (dreadful food well disguised) filled with sad-looking smoking retirees on oxygen tanks or beer-blast frat-buys with hung-over weary faces reminiscing their losses. I walked and walked (almost running)….towards the light. There in the corner was some natural daylight streaming in through the front entrance glass walls. And it reminded me just how important natural light is in our lives. I instantly felt better.

I understand the science behind gambling is to focus all your attention on the insides towards the machines and tables: at the Borgata they have succeeded in doing so. The result is a soul-less, claustrophobic, smoke-reeking mess… my humble opinion. But I give this place thanks for allowing me to be reminded how important real estate’s connection to nature is a critical element in quality of life. It also displayed that its easy to create magical interiors, but its impossible to create exposure and light when everything is sealed up in a closed chamber.

Waking up this morning, looking out onto my boxwood-filled terrace overlooking Chelsea Waterside Park, made me all the more appreciative.