Posted by Leonard Steinberg on March 25th, 2014

Many ask me why I am so militant against air pollution and smokers…. here is why: Air pollution killed 7 million people in 2012, more people than AIDS, diabetes and road injuries combined.

12,5% of deaths worldwide can be attributed to breathing tainted air, the world’s largest environmental health risk, says the WHO in a recent report, doubling its previous estimates for pollution fatalities. The biggest killer is poor ventilation of indoor heaters and cookers.

The effect of air contaminants extends beyond respiratory problems to heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Low- and middle-income nations in Asia accounted for more than 70 percent of deaths related to air contamination in 2012. Here in New York when you see those plumes of black smoke from old oil heaters, thank the Bloomberg administration for banning them. Most buildings have converted, but none should be allowed. Most wood burning fireplaces are very bad for the exterior environment, but possibly even more so for the interiors. Did you replace the batteries of your carbon monoxide detectors?

Walking through plumes of smoke as you enter or exit a New York building should be banned: smokers should be contained in smoking chambers….after all at least 75% of the smoke they create is being breathed in by you and I…..and we have no say in the matter? Hmmmmmm…..

Pollution spewing vehicles, specifically trucks that seem somewhat immune to pollution standards, need to be addressed. Remember those old busses that emerged from clouds of black smoke? That is no longer the case. In a city as dense as New York we should all contribute and be held accountable in making the air as clean as possible. Its good for people and its good for real estate.