Posted by Leonard Steinberg on May 19, 2011

The real estate market in Manhattan is absolutely exhausted…..brokers, buyers, sellers, mortgage brokers, managing agents, you name it.

During the recession, while everything moved at a slower pace, the industry became accustomed to a longer, more protracted marketing and searching process and then slower negotiation. Now the pace has picked up noticeably: Many real estate companies and managing agents who probably laid off staff due to decreased volume are now caught under-staffed with the temptation for higher profits….they are learning the hard way. There are new players in town, and lesser service will be met with lost, dissatisfied clients and key personell who are left to pick up the slack.

The recession is over: its time to beef up staffing. Now is still a good time to find good people. Unemployment needs to drop for the sake of the entire country, so hiring now is not only self serving, its patriotic and good for all. And investing in updated technologies to help streamline the process wouldn’t hurt either.