Posted by Leonard Steinberg on October 17th, 2011

So OCCUPY WALL STREET keeps growing based on the masses’ fury at Wall Street’s corporate greed. The facts are simple: greed exists on Wall Street for sure. But greed exists in many other areas too: 

1)  Hollywood: Every time you see a Tom Cruise Movie, Tom’s $ 20million plus royalties translates to a median income earning family of four paying at least $ 40 to go to the movies, without popcorn…..Isn’t $ 20m just a wee bit greedy too? Try taking that family to a Madonna concert for under $ 400…..

2)  Sports: That family of four will spend at least $ 200 to see a basketball game, and thats without parking or any food or drinks….all billed to pay those sports hero’s $10, 20, 30million salaries to throw a ball….

3) Fashion: That Louis Vuitton bag for $ 1,000 (made in China for $ 50?) seems a bit greedy too, no? I hear the $ 250 pair of sunglasses costs about $ 25 to make…..greedy? And what about those NIKE sneakers? Corporate greed yes, but not exclusively Wall Street.

4) UNIONS: Those dues are not cheap, and certainly pay for lots of ‘stuff’ that would appear greedy to some.

5) HEALTHCARE: How much is a prescription of anti-biotics? Much more expensive than in Canada for certain.

6) _________: Fill out the blank….there are many!

My point is that there is greed everywhere. And directing anger purely at one industry seems hypocritical at best. Instead of blaming one or two sectors of our little planet, maybe its time for a South African-style truth and reconcilliation summit, whereby we identify ALL the sins of greed for ALL those that are greedy, not just a select few sininers, forgive everyone, and move forward with a new plan?