Posted by Leonard Steinberg on February 28th, 2012

While China re-invents the concept of capitalism, a new version of capitalism where much is not negotiated or discussed as in the West, but rather implemented by a controlling force with little debate, the USA has created a multi-billion dollar architecture of divide to keep the country polarized…..forever?

Both sides, fueled by extremism on the left and the right, have instituted a system (legally) that could possibly keep this country divided for decades to come, thereby limiting the USA from having the substantive ability to compete with countries like China. It is time for those on the extreme left and right to see the damage they are doing to the 80% of the country that sees extremism as a huge impairment to progress. Maybe its time for the 80% to fight back all these super-pacs and heavily funded shadow organizations that fuel the power of these destructive organizations. The laws that allow this extremism to flourish needs to be un-done. The USA is ready for the PRACTICAL PARTY.

It is time to have these mechanisms of divide dismantled and let the majority speak their voice. Surely those billions of dollars have better use? A political system designed to be able to get things done efficiently is good for the economy, for the people…..and for real estate, still the number one drag on the economy.