Posted by Leonard Steinberg on March 4th, 2012

The devastating storms that ripped through the USA this past week beg to ask the question:  why don’t we build structures in high risk areas in a manner that withstand storms better? Surely the cost of re-building wood stick houses that we know cannot withstand high winds is just pure folly?

One can be certain extensive damage is to be expected by tornadoes of this caliber, but surely a concrete and steel structure has a much better chance of surviving? One sees these structures on the islands where hurricanes are a constant threat…..and the fare very well. Maybe burying the structures into the ground?  I feel certain there is sufficient science and engineering to minimize the kind of damage we have just witnessed….damage that al of us have to pay for in the form of higher insurance costs.

It’s time to start thinking more longterm: Katrina did not teach the people of New Orleans much. The levees and re-building will one day come back to haunt them….and all of us. This reckless building standard should be changed now.