Posted by Leonard Steinberg on March 6th, 2012

With rising gas prices posing a large risk on the US economic recovery, politicians continue to espouse stupidity and partisan politic as opposed to real solutions. T. Boone Pickens offers some real solutions based on some facts we ALL should know:

**The gas price in the USA is the lowest in the world. The natural gas price in USA is about $ 2,35….in China its over $ 16/barrel.

**70% of all oil throughout the world is used for TRANSPORTATION, not commuting or heating.

**5 million barrels of oil are imported every day into the USA.

** If you replaced diesel with natural gas to power 8 million 18-wheeler trucks, you would cut oil imports by 3 million barrels a day…..or 60%.

Lower gas prices put more money in the pockets of consumers…..and consumer spending drives this economy. High gas prices has a huge impact on consumer confidence that usually only registers about 6 months later……its time to address this issue now with a BIG PICTURE LONG TERM ENERGY PLAN. A combination of a greater focus on natural gas, local oil, wind, solar, conservation and reduced consumption could make this economy SOAR and take lots of people off the unemployment line…..and government/consumer-paid benefits.

So there is a solution for high gas prices…..but for some reason our politicians don’t get it…or don’t want to. We have the resources in the USA to get off OPEC oil. And now the question……WHY?