Posted by Leonard Steinberg on June 30th, 2012

One of the most glaring facts about the healthcare problem is:

1) Too many un-insured go to emergency rooms for medical assistance: the cost of treating these ailments in an emergency room is significantly greater than if they were treated in a regular doctor’s office visit.

2) 15% (YES, FIFTEEN PERCENT) of hospital/medical bills are not being paid currently.

3) Medical malpractice insurance is prohibitive and lawyers abuse the system.

4) The paperwork/information system is antiquated and needs major streamlining.

So, knowing that the 15% of unpaid medical bills are already being paid for by those paying, surely a system where all who use medical services are required to pay towards it makes sense? Another thought is if this 15% loss was wiped off the table, hospitals could lower their charges, no? So why have ALL the politicians screwed this up so badly?

The same stupidity is applied to real estate taxes where a small group of people under-pay and a small group over pay……if we all paid the same, those two minority groups would dissapear. It would be easy to do this, yet……

Mass stupidity is when we are all aware of this stupidity and cannot (or will not)change it. Usually its corrupted politicians protecting some of their beneficiaries who are to blame. Time to get involved and vocal!