I am currently traveling in Europe researching trends and getting a breather: it ceases to amaze me how many restaurants located in the very best, most desirable, attractive locations seem to have the worst food and service. Is this an international phenomena?

Thinking of New York City, I guess the definition of ‘best location’ helps determine the quality of the restaurant. But I certainly can think of many prized locations in the city that do indeed deliver some of the worst food and service. Often the best restaurants in these prize locations are grossly over-rated. Just because you have a great location are you entitled to give those dreaded tourists the worst possible experience? I think Cities should fine rotten restaurants in great locations for bad service and quality, or at least give them a rating on the front door, a badge of shame…..

“In real estate it truly is all about location,” says Leonard Steinberg, managing director of Prudential Douglas Elliman and leader of the LUXURYLOFT team. “It is unfortunate when a retail establishment abuses a prize location. It is done so at the detriment of the town or city. Thankfully blogs have helped identify the worst offenders. Maybe an I-Phone APP for this is an idea, warning un-informed tourists not to enter a rotten restaurant?”