Millenniaires are the other millennials few refer to: most chatter revolves around this demographic group’s inability to commit to buying a home, mostly due to affordability concerns. There is another group within this vibrant sector of society: wealthy, successful millennials who have earned early wealth, and the other group that have access to wealth or… [Read More]

Trump marketing observations

  Posted by Leonard Steinberg on March 26th, 2016 Donald Trump has made a spectacular ascent to power. His marketing methods are in many ways a reflection of the shifting trends of our society in general and new marketing methods employed by some. This essay is in no way an endorsement or denouncement of any… [Read More]


Posted by Leonard Steinberg on February 7th, 2015 Since joining URBAN COMPASS 8 months ago, we have developed a marketing language that has become contagious: It has spread like wildfire throughout  the real estate industry here and everywhere and it is something I am most proud of. People are talking in New York, Miami, Los… [Read More]